Tag: food

Ljetna prehrana / Summer food

Ljetna prehrana / Summer food

🇭🇷 Organizam ljeti za vrijeme vrućih dana prirodno traži hranu koja je lagana za probavu, bogatu sadržajem vode i minerala koji se gubi znojenjem, s više vlakana a manjom količinom masnoća. Mliječni proizvodi s niskim udjelom masti osigurat će potreban unos kalcija i proteina. Svježi […]

Foods That Give You Energy

Foods That Give You Energy

The food we eat is a source of energy, substances and regulators of metabolism. Of these three functions, in the first place is getting energy, but we need to take care of overuse of a particular macronutrient. Example, overuse of protein as an energy source […]



Carbohydrates are a source of energy for anaerobic and aerobic metabolism. They are a major nutrient for endurance exercises (an important factor for activities that last about 60-90min). The energy density of carbohydrates is 4 kcal / g. Post-workout foods should include lots of carbohydrates […]

Change your eating habit

Change your eating habit

  When you try to lose weight and decrease the fat level the biggest problem and the main your opponent in this fight is a breakdown. That means than in a moment all your lost calories will come back, because you will eat everything what […]

4 things to make a healthy body

4 things to make a healthy body

Eat less carbohydrates than you burn. Exclude from your diet unhealthy and high calorie foods (pizza, french fries, fast food … etc). You must have a well-established diet, try to prepare yourself one day before each meal the next day. Never jump over an important […]

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day

Are you a person who skips breakfast? Your reasons for skipping breakfast are usually corroborated with things like „I don’t have a habit of having breakfast in the morning“ or „My lifestyle is so busy that I don’t have the time for breakfast“ or „I […]