Tag: diet

Foods That Give You Energy

Foods That Give You Energy

The food we eat is a source of energy, substances and regulators of metabolism. Of these three functions, in the first place is getting energy, but we need to take care of overuse of a particular macronutrient. Example, overuse of protein as an energy source […]



Carbohydrates are a source of energy for anaerobic and aerobic metabolism. They are a major nutrient for endurance exercises (an important factor for activities that last about 60-90min). The energy density of carbohydrates is 4 kcal / g. Post-workout foods should include lots of carbohydrates […]

Get Lean Principles

Get Lean Principles

Having a lean body type is a piece of work. You have to follow a strict routine to reach your goals in the gym. Setting up a lean-diet is a must, because without a good meal plan you will not reach the results you want […]

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day

Breakfast – the most important meal of the day

Are you a person who skips breakfast? Your reasons for skipping breakfast are usually corroborated with things like „I don’t have a habit of having breakfast in the morning“ or „My lifestyle is so busy that I don’t have the time for breakfast“ or „I […]

Why is exercise important in our life?

Why is exercise important in our life?

For a long time now you keep saying that you`ll start with exercising, and always delay it. Are you afraid to start? Or you think that you will not achieve the desired goal? Why do you think so? In this article, I`ll introduce you to the fact […]