Prehrana za ljeto / Nutrition for summertime

Pokušajte u ove ljetne vruće dane što više prakticirati zdravu i kvalitetnu prehranu. Baš zbog visokih temperatura koje dolaze s ljetom, aktivna energija u prirodi doživljava svoj vrhunac.

Ljetna prehrana trebala bi biti najlakša u usporedbi s godišnjim dobima – što se tiče sastojaka, ali i količine pojedene hrane.

Uvijek pronađite vrijeme za sebe i svoje tijelo, prakticirajte češće i manje obroke tijekom cijelog dana.

Usmjerite pažnju na dovoljan unos bjelančevina u dnevnom unosu, također i vitamina i minerala, a masti i ugljikohidrate možete u ljetnom periodu smanjiti, obzirom da se svi spremaju za more.

U ovom obroku je dobra kombinacija posnog sira uz piletinu, te graška. Grašak je namirnica koja se premalo spominje, možemo ga jesti kao prilog, u varivu ili na bilo koji drugi način.

Znate li da u tako maloj namirnici nalazi se mnoštvo vitamina i minerala poput vitamina A, B, C, K, kalija, magnezija, željeza i mangana.

Ako niste znali, grašak sadrži tri do pet puta više proteina od ostalog povrća.

You can try to practice a healthy and quality diet as much as possible during these hot summer days. Because of high temperatures that come with summer, active energy in nature reaches it`s peak.

The summer diet should be the easiest compared to the seasons – in terms of ingredients, but also the amount of food eaten.
Always find time for yourself and your body, practice more frequent and smaller meals throughout the day.

Pay attention to a sufficient intake of protein in your daily intake, as well as vitamins and minerals, and you can reduce fats and carbohydrates in the summer, since everyone is preparing for the sea time.

This meal is a good combination of lean cheese with chicken and peas. Peas are a food that is mentioned too little, we can eat it as a side dish, in a stew or in any other way.

Did you know that such a small food contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, K, potassium, magnesium, iron and manganese.

Did you know, peas contain three to five times more protein than other vegetables.