Why are proteins important?


Proteins are integral parts of every cell in our body, were built of different amino acids. Medical experts believe that they are most important nutrients, and they are necessary for people.  They say that proteins in children are very important in the growth and development, help reduce the risk of various allergic diseases, can influence the reduction of the risk of overweight later in life, and are important in protecting in the future health of your child. In the next part I will explain you why taking proteins is important, especially if you are working out.     

Notice that you lack energy, you`re tired, you have a strong and long sore after training, you have to increase your intake of protein. Consider your physical activity regimen, and based on that you`ll get your daily intake of protein. People who do strength training and exercise for 5 or more times a week for 60 minutes, they need input 1,5 – 2 grams of protein per Pound of body weight. These who exercise 3 – 5 times per week for 45 minutes, they need input 1 – 1,5 grams of protein per Pound of body weight. If your goals is to lose weights, keep in mind that bringing more of the recommended daily intake of protein will not gain weight. The exercise will throw extra energy.  After hard training followed by painful inflammation, resulting from exhaustion and rupture within the muscle fibers, and intake of foods rich of protein your body will repair the rupture and strengthen muscle tissue. So it is important to enter the protein after the workout, because the muscles then most need, I`m entering the whey protein after training, because the degraded faster than all protein entered through food. One advice; ask around and try to figure out which protein is best for you and try to stick with him. Don`t make a mistake, and after you have spent your old protein, go buy a new protein.

I am using protein and taking 35 grams once daily after training, and I use this protein for a long time. Protein have been very useful for me. You find a good whey protein and try to stick with that one, and start with training.

Body education



Zašto su nam važni proteini?

Bjelančevine su sastavni dio svake stanice u našem tijelu, izgrađeni su od različitih aminokiselina. Medicinski stručnjaci smatraju da su proteini najvažnije hranjive tvari koje su potrebne čovjeku. Ističu da već kod same djece imaju veliku važnost u rastu i razvoju djeteta, pomažu u smanjenju rizika  od raznih alergijskih bolesti te mogu utjecati na smanjenje rizika od prekomjerne tjelesne težine kasnije u životu i važni su u oblikovanju budućeg zdravlja kod vašeg djeteta. U daljnjem dijelu upoznati ću vas sa unosom proteina te njegovoj važnosti u treningu.

Počeli ste primjećivati da vam fali energije, umorni ste, imate jake i dugačke upale nakon treninga, morali bi ste povećati unos proteina. Razmotrite svoj režim tjelesne aktivnosti i na temelju toga će te dobiti dnevni unos proteina. Osobe koje se bave sportovima snage i vježbaju 5 i više puta tjedno po 60 minuta potreban im je dnevni unos 1,5-2g proteina po kg tjelesne mase. Oni koji vježbaju 3-5 puta tjedno po 45 minuta, potreban im je unos 1-1,5g proteina po kg tjelesne mase. Čak ako vam je cilj smršavjeti, znajte da unošenje malo više od preporučenog dnevnog unosa proteina, neće rezultirati debljanjem niti naškoditi vam, nego će se višak sagorjeti kroz dodatnu energiju na treningu. Nakon napornih treninga slijede bolne upale koje nastaju zbog iscrpljenja i rupture unutar mišićnih vlakana  te unosom hrane bogate proteinima tijelo popravlja ta puknuća i ojačava mišićno tkivo. Zbog toga je bitan unos proteina nakon samog treninga, jer tada ga mišići najviše trebaju te osobno unosim proteinsku sirutku (whey) nakon samog treninga zbog toga što se najbrže razgrađuje od svih ostalih proteina unesenih kroz hranu. Savjet; raspitajte se, razmislite i odlučite koju će te proteinsku sirutku kupiti i dajte tom proteinu vremena. Nemojte raditi grešku, pa nakon što ga popijete kupiti nekakav drugi i tako u beskrajnost. Dajte mu vremena. Koristite ga minimalno 6 mjeseci i vjerujem da će vam pomoći u postizanju cilja.

Osobno koristim proteinsku sirutku koju unosim jednom dnevno po 35g nakon treninga i koristim ga već dugo vremena. Meni je pomogao, pronađite si dobru proteinsku sirutku, dajte joj vremena i krenite s treningom.
Body education