Tag: workout

When you fell in love with your yoga, then you fell in love whit yourself

When you fell in love with your yoga, then you fell in love whit yourself

Hello my name is Ivana, I am from Macedonia, and I am 32 years old. I do yoga, I love yoga and I almost do it every day. I also go to fitness, aerobics exactly. But now I want to write about yoga generally. Yoga […]

How to get started?!

How to get started?!

Hello guys, so what is holding you back? One of things might be lack of knowledge or too many knowledge and not knowing simply where to begin from, laziness, no motivation, believing its a chore, wasting time which could be used for something otherwise. So […]

How to gain or lose weight

How to gain or lose weight

  Many people, who want to change their bodies and do not see results after visiting the gym for about 2-3 months just quit! But why? That happens because for gaining or losing your weight, you must follow some rules! The first and the main […]